I. Getting Started
Character data in GearWhere can be entered manually (by filling in the boxes in the main UI) or imported from the World of Warcraft Armory. To import a character from the WoW Armory, left-click the "Import" button on the main interface. When prompted, enter your character's name (including any special characters) and realm (DO NOT include the region - GearWhere currently supports only US realms). If the process takes longer than ~30 seconds or an error is displayed, try again. When the character data has finished importing, all text fields on the interface will contain integers representing item levels.
The "Calculate" button will calculate the player's average item level (item upgrades will not be displayed - this is a known issue and is being worked on) and generates ordered lists of loot sources. The upper list ("Upgrade Chance") lists displays all sources which are included in the .sav file and considered accessible by the player. The lower list ("Bonus Rolls") displays only encounters (bosses) which are included in the sources displayed in the upper list. Each source/encounter is followed by two numbers: a percentage representing the chance of getting an upgrade during the source and a decimal representing the expected item level upgrade. Because sources may contain multiple encounters, it is possible for the upgrade chance to exceed 100% - this just means you can expect to loot more than one useful item in one run.
II. Using the Source Manager
Note: Interacting with the Source Manager is not recommended for normal users, and may damage the included .sav file. Use at your own risk.
The Source Manager can be accessed by left-clicking the "..." button on the main interface. Three columns will be displayed in a new window, containing (from left to right) the sources, encounters, and loot included in the .sav file. To add a new source to the list, click the leftmost "add" button and follow the prompts. After creating the source, it is recommended to double-click the new source within the left column and enter the required item level and drop chance (in decimal format). This information can be edited at any time through the Source Manager. To add an encounter to the new source, select the source from the left column and left-click the "add" button under the middle column. When prompted, enter or copy-and-paste the full URL of the item or npc to be added (e.g. For encounters with multiple NPC's, only one needs to be entered. Refer to the index of variables when entering the mode id (this will cause the Source Manager to import only items whose mode id's match the entered number). Once the items have finished importing (this may take several minutes), they will be viewable in the right column. Items which have a "!" before their names were retrieved without a slot type (tokens/materials). To add a slot type, double click the item in the right column and enter the slot type when prompted (refer to the index of variables for slot types). When finished with the Source Manager, click "Save" in the lower-right corner.
III. Troubleshooting and Known Issues
1. Nothing happens when I enter my character information, or an error is displayed.
This indicates a problem retrieving character information from the armory. Make sure you are connected to the internet, your character and realm are spelled correctly (including special characters), and is not offline.
2. GearWhere fails to load (nothing happens when the icon is clicked, or crashes immediately).
This is most likely an issue with the .sav file. Either re-download GearWhere or get a copy of a working .sav file from another user.
3. My character's item level is incorrect (too low).
GearWhere does not currently recognize upgraded items. This is intended, and a workaround is being implemented for the next build. If this issue prevents you from seeing specific sources/encounters, open the Source Manager and edit the source's item level requirement.
4. How can I load a character from an EU server?
GearWhere does not currently support servers outside the US region. Support is currently being worked on.
5. NaN (NaN%) is displayed instead of avg upgrade (upgrade chance).
Be sure that all sources contain at least one encounter, and resolve any issues with bosses that drop tokens (slotless gear) by double clicking on each item with a "!" before its name and editing the slot type manually.
6. GearWhere is not calculating upgrades properly for off-hand items.
To avoid complication, GearWhere does not consider one-hand or off-hand items upgrades if the character is currently using a two-handed weapon. It does, however, consider a two-handed weapon an upgrade to two one-handed items if the two-handed item's level exceeds the average of the two one-handed items' levels. An option to disable this feature may be implemented in a future build.
IV. Index of variables
SlotID (Player)
1 = head
2 = neck
3 = shoulder
5 = chest
6 = waist
7 = legs
8 = feet
9 = wrist
10 = hands
11 = finger 1
12 = finger 2
13 = trinket 1
14 = trinket 2
15 = back
16 = main hand
17 = off hand
Slot Type (Item)
1 = head
2 = neck
3 = shoulder
5 = chest
6 = waist
7 = legs
8 = feet
9 = wrist
10 = hands
11 = finger
12 = trinket
13 = one-hand
14 = off-hand weapon
15 = ranged
16 = back
17 = two-hand
23 = off-hand frill
100 = head/shoulder/chest/legs/hands (token)
24 = N10, N25
96 = H10, H25
128 = LFR
Class (Spec)
1 = Warrior
71 = Arms
72 = Fury
73 = Protection
2 = Paladin
65 = Holy
66 = Protection
67 = Retribution
3 = Hunter
253 = Beast Mastery
254 = Marksmanship
255 = Survival
4 = Rogue
259 = Assassination
260 = Combat
261 = Subtlety
5 = Priest
256 = Discipline
257 = Holy
258 = Shadow
6 = Death Knight
250 = Blood
251 = Frost
252 = Unholy
7 = Shaman
262 = Elemental
263 = Enhancement
264 = Restoration
8 = Mage
62 = Arcane
63 = Fire
64 = Frost
9 = Warlock
265 = Affliction
266 = Demonology
267 = Destruction
10 = Monk
269 = Brewmaster
270 = Mistweaver
271 = Windwalker
11 = Druid
102 = Balance
103 = Feral Combat
104 = Guardian
105 = Restoration