Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Eight ways to stay busy in the pre-expansion lull

I'm not saying we've hit the pre-expansion lull yet, but when it sets in you can bet I'll be prepared.  In the closing days of Mists of Pandaria, end-game content is not only more abundant than in past expansions, it's much more accessible.
1. PvE
If you haven't finished Siege of Orgrimmar yet, I highly suggest you do so. Posthaste, even!  As it stands, completing Throne of Thunder is not required to run Seige of Orgrimmar (the only requirement is an item level of 496 - if you don't have that yet, spend a day on the Timeless Isle).  Aside from personal item upgrades, an awesome mount, and a battle pet, you'll have a shot (on Flex difficulty or higher) at getting an heirloom weapon which will scale with your character up to level 100.
2. PvP

Maybe end-game raiding just isn't your thing.  Maybe you would rather spend your last months with the current iteration of stats and abilities bashing skulls.  Patch 5.4 removed the team requirement for arenas.  All you need is a party of 2, 3 or 5 willing participants to queue for an arena match.  Cross-realm arenas are now also possible for Real ID (Battletag) friends.  If you haven't tried PvP yet and you're a bit nervous about jumping into the arena, you can queue for a standard battleground.

3. Level an alt
In fact, level ten alts.  While profession alts may be going the way of the in-game LFG tool (which, I'm told, is still a thing) come Warlords of Draenor, it's always nice to break the routine of (in my case) making things explode with magic in favor of making things explode with a giant axe.  In Warlords of Draenor, you will be granted one free boost to level 90 - so even if you don't level an alt from 1 to 90 before launch, you will at least have time to decide which class to use your free boost on.
4. Cap out your professions

I'm not sure it was explicitly announced at Blizzcon, but expect the proficiency cap to increase 75 levels to 675 in the coming expansion.  You don't want to be the guy who never progressed past level 35 fishing when Blizzard introduces some crazy game-breaking fishing-pole-velociraptor-cannon-wristband mount/weapon/stylish accessory.  Seriously though, if Blizzard manages to make secondary professions suck less, wouldn't it be nice to be ready to jump right into the new material at launch?
5. Try pet battles

There are so many reasons you should be participating in pet battles.  So.  Many.  If you haven't leveled your first pet yet, check warcraftpets.com for a comprehensive guide to pet battles (not to mention a database containing every in-game companion).  If you have a small army of level 25 pets, test your mettle in the new Celestial Tournament on the Timeless Isle.
6. Create the perfect transmogrification set

About a month ago, I leveled a Pandaren monk to 42 just because I had an awesome transmogrification set in mind for him.  Designing and finally completing a transmogrification set can be an incredibly rewarding process, and gives us one more reason to revisit old content.  For putting together that perfect set, try using the addon MogIt (and, if you haven't yet, install the Curse Client to manage and update your addons).
7. Work on achievements

Achievements are great.  Not only do they provide one more category in which you can be superior to your friends (please don't use them this way); they can also grant titlesmounts, and tabards.  Achievement runs and Transmogrification runs can easily overlap, so grab a few friends and slay the Lich King.  It's that easy now.

8. Get pumped!

Warlords of Draenor is bringing many changes to the game, and if you missed any (or all) of the World of Warcraft panels at Blizzcon, you can keep up with the latest news at WoW Insider